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[6kyu] TGI Friday !!


We all love fridays, and even better if it is the last day of the month!

In this kata you should write a function that will receive 2 parameters. Both are years, and indicates a range.

Your work is to return the number of times a month ends with a Friday.

If there is only one year provided, return the number of times a month ends on Friday on that year. Range bounds are inclusive in every case!

For example, between 1901 and 2000, a month ends on Friday 101 times.


function lastDayIsFriday(initialYear, endYear) {
if(!endYear) endYear = initialYear; var numOfFridays = 0; var month = 1; var day = ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thur','Fri','Sat']; var lastDate = new Date(initialYear, month, 0); var lastDayOfMonth = day[lastDate.getDay()]; while(lastDate.getFullYear() <= endYear){ if(lastDayOfMonth === 'Fri'){ numOfFridays++; } month += 1; lastDate = new Date(initialYear,month,0); lastDayOfMonth = day[lastDate.getDay()]; } return numOfFridays; }

다른사람의 풀이

function lastDayIsFriday(initialYear, endYear) { let start = new Date(initialYear, 1, 0); let end = new Date(endYear || initialYear, 11, 31); let count = 0; for (let i = 1; start <= end; start = new Date(initialYear,++i,0)) { if (start.getDay() == 5) count++; } return count; 


배열은 굳이 안써도 괜찮았을 것같은데, 다시볼 때 알아보기 쉽게 하려고 썼다. 그리고 어떤부분에선 for문 보다는

while 문이 쓰기 편하기도 한듯하다. Date 객체에 (년도, 월 ,일 ) 순으로 넣을때 '일에' 0을 넣어주면 당월의 전월 마지막날을 알 수 있다. 그게 풀이의


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